Message from the President

Welcome. The PanAfrican Archaeological Association (PAA) has been working, for more than sixty years, to unite archaeologists from all African countries and to combine African efforts to further the interest of archaeology across Africa. This website is for all who have an interest in African archaeology.
All papers published in our congress volumes since 1952 are available here. Please use these and the many other free resources offered here. I ask that you acknowledge us when using these resources and I call upon you send to us additional resources to share with others. Please send us news stories, information on new books, new research findings, photographs and any other resources on African archaeology that we can share with Africa and the world.
The PAA belongs to all who work in African Archaeology. We are a not-for-profit organisation, staffed by volunteers, who work in the interests of all. Please help us to maximise the value of the resources available on this website and contact us with suggestions and comments.