
The Pan-African Archaeological Association of Prehistory and Associated Studies (PANAF) aims to ensure, through quadrennial congresses held in Africa, special opportunities, not only for developing South / South institutional scientific exchanges, but also, for revitalizing the North / South comparative reflection. The PANAF association has always worked towards a better understanding of the cultural heritage of Africa and has effectively contributed to shed scientific light on the true history of African populations and their contributions to the general progress of humanity.

Egypt’s heritage still at risk, one year later
It's been nearly a year since a popular uprising unseated the then Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak. What will become of Egypt's extensive collection of heritage objects in the wake of such drastic change?

Madagascan Museum Heist Notice
The Madagascan Ministry of Cultural Heritage is seeking assistance in the wake of the theft of a collection of royal jewelry dating back to the early 1700's.

Early cognition uncovered at Blombos
The latest in a string of discoveries at Blombos cave, in the Western Cape, South Africa, pushes the earliest evidence of human cognition in the region back to approximately 100 000 years ago.

Ugandapithecus fossil unearthed, thought to be 20 million years old
On the 18th of July this year, a combined team of French and Ugandan palaeontologists discovered an unsually complete specimen of an ancient primate, thought to be roughly 20 million years old.

Concern over European treatment of Ife artworks
In preparation for a series of American museum tours entitled “Dynasty and Divinity: Ife Art in Ancient Nigeria”, a large collection of important Nigerian cultural objects were sent for conservation in Europe. Many critics, however, have labelled the measures inappropriate and concerns are being raised over potential damage.

US busts its first international smuggling ring
In an historic move, American border-control agencies have indicted 4 men in connection with the illegal international trade of protected cultural objects. The bust and seizure, totalling $2.5 million in stolen artefacts, is the first of its kind.

Libyan Heritage and the Revolution: International investigation comes back positive.
In the wake of the revolution in Libya, the International Committe of the Blue Shield (ICBS) sent an investigative mission to determine whether or not the country's heritage was in danger. Despite encountering the inevitable toll war took on the region's historical sites, their findings depict a strangely positive situation.

A Call to Protect Libyan Antiquities
In the wake of the recent revolution in Libya, concerns are being raised over the safety of ancient sites and objects of archaeological significance within the region. As such several prominent organisations have issued a call for protective measures to be put in place by the international community to prevent the loss of these irreplaceable pieces of world history, as well as to preserve the heritage economy in Libya as the country moves forward.